retro atari classics

Retro Atari Classics ROM

retro atari classics
NDS Emulator
2.7MB / ISO
0051 - Retro Atari Classics is a collection of Atari video games which is developed and published by Taniko by Atari with some additional updates. In simple words, there are total ten games present and each has their different set of tasks and rules in which players can perform and compete with certain opponents throughout the period.
The game also offer quick time events and certain tasks in which every player can take part and well-perform by putting their hard efforts on different moves and make use of special moves. By doing this, one can get some awesome items as a reward.
Pure Basics of 0051 - Retro Atari Classics Game!
In 0051 - Retro Atari Classics, there are total ten different games present such as Pong, Asteroids, Gravitar, Lunar Lander and many more. Each one has different skilled playable characters and certain tasks in which players can choose from the main-menu and perform against pair of enemies by using their own super-powers and techniques.
In simple words, players have primary objective is to complete every task one by one by make use of special moves so that they will be able to grab some premium items as a reward that help in every now and then.
One thing also worth mentioning here, make sure to give your best while performing time because the quantity of receiving rewards and bonus will be based on many factors such as performance, how much time takes to finish the task and etc.
The Final Words!
Whether you are a beginner or advanced player in 0051 - Retro Atari Classics Game, everyone should learn the basics as given-above which makes every task much easier.