ultraman - towards the future

Ultraman - Towards The Future ROM

ultraman - towards the future
snes ROMs
snes Emulator
325.1KB / ISO
When it comes to the most popular fighting video game then only one name comes to the mind, i.e. Ultraman - Towards the Future. It is created by the most popular platform called BEC and published by Bandai. It is available for the most popular platform SNES and including under the category 2D fighting games. The game contains only a single-player mode in which gamers need to complete various levels, missions and objectives. The actual release date of the game is October 1991 and contains plenty of characters.
What about gameplay?
Ultraman - Towards the Future contains plenty of monsters which gamers need to defeat as to make progress. The names of great monsters are Kodolar, Gudis, Zebokon, Degola, Bogun, KIlazee, and the most powerful is Durjey. As it is the one-on-one fighting video game, so gamers have to have to defeat other enemies with their moves, kicks and other abilities or skills. Every monster and character has their different moves to perform in fight. They have to defeat the enemy with good power.
As the players make progress in Ultraman - Towards the Future the more powerful dragon is start coming. So, gamers need to change their fighting ways or styles accordingly. Players have to attack them in several different styles or ways to defeat the continuously coming enemies. At last, they have to give the enemies final blow to move onto the next level or round.
More about Ultraman - Towards the Future
In every battle, there are 3-minute rounds present. Gamers have to win more as to defeat their opponent and move ahead. The game contains plenty of locations at which gamers need to fight and then go ahead for making progress easier than before. It is the best fighting video game that can give an immersive gaming experience.